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FAMEEX Afternoon Crypto News Recap | February 23, 2023

2023-02-23 17:54:30

Indian Finance Minister Pushes for International Cooperation on Crypto Regulation — Discusses Awareness Campaign
Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stressed the importance of international cooperation in order to regulate the crypto sector.

US crypto exchanges won’t be allowed to regulate themselves any time soon
US crypto exchanges will not be allowed to make their own rules and sidestep federal regulatory barriers anytime soon, according to DC insiders.

Zambian regulators collaborate for digital asset regulation
Zambia’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Bank of Zambia are working in unison to regulate digital currencies using revolutionary technology.

Emmer introduces bill to bar Fed from issuing CBDC to consumers
WASHINGTON — Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., has introduced a bill that would bar the Federal Reserve from issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency directly to individuals.

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